Fat Burn Kitcher

Friday, January 22, 2016

The Yogurt| A New Healthy Food.

Yogurt is one of the most versatile and healthy foods on the land . Yogurt is a fermented dairy product made by adding bacterial cultures to milk, which causes the transformation of the milk's sugar, lactose, into lactic acid.
Yogurt has long been known as an excellent source of bone-building calcium and muscle-building protein. when consumed in moderation, can be part of a well-balanced, healthy weight loss meal plan.
Not only is yogurt a wonderful nutritious, easy and quick snack that is available year-round, but researchers are finding evidence that milk and yogurt may actually add years to your life as is found in some countries where yogurt and other fermented dairy products are a dietary staple.

Follow these steps to learn how to make your own yogurt.

1) You can use any kind of milk, The process of removing whey results in a higher protein level than regular yogurt. Although slightly higher in calories "100 vs. 80", non-fat yogurt has 18 grams of protein in six ounces, compared to eight grams for the regular non-fat yogurt.

2) Yogurt made with "good bacteria" benefits your digestion, lessens food allergies and improves immunity. yogurt is produced by heating and culturing milk with gut-friendly bacteria.

3) Must heat the milk directly, be sure to monitor it constantly, stirring all of the while. If you do not have a thermometer, "185ºF 85ºC" is the temperature at which milk starts to froth. Must cooled the milk, the best way to do this is with a cold water bath.

4) All yogurt needs "good bacteria" Add the freeze-dried bacteria, or add 2 tablespoons of the existing yogurt. With a whisk or use a blender to evenly distribute the bacteria throughout the milk.

5) Pour the milk into a clean container. Cover each one tightly with a lid or plastic wrap.

6) Keep the yogurt warm and still to encourage bacterial growth, while keeping the temperature as close to "100ºF 38ºC" as possible. Jiggling won't ruin it, but it makes it take a lot longer to incubate.
After seven hours, you'll have a custard-like texture, a cheesy odor, and possibly some greenish liquid on top. This is exactly what you want.

7) Put the cheesecloth in a colander and put the colander in a large bowl to catch the whey, which is a thin yellow liquid. and put it all in the refrigerator. Strain for a couple of hours for yogurt. Strain overnight for a very thick yogurt, almost like soft cream cheese.

8) Place the yogurt in your fridge for several hours before serving. It will keep for 1 to 2 weeks. If you're going to use some of it, use it within 5 to 6 days, so that the bacteria still have growing power.

9) Put a flavor that your taste buds fancy. Canned pie filling, jams, maple and syrup, are good flavorings. For a healthier option, use fresh fruit, with or without a small amount of sugar or honey.

It’s so yummy!

Until you get to the secret method to fat burn "The Fat Burning Kitchen"

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